Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Why We Exist Here

To those of you that have been guided here, a moment to re-explain the purpose for this page; to those of you who have stumbled onto this page... how did you stumble onto this page?? And what has compelled you to stay this long already?

When I write emails about what Margo, Pumpkin, and I have been up to, there is a tendency on my part to really want to fill up an email - make it worthwhile. Because the day-to-day is not always that exciting, this means that quite a few days *weeks* can go by before I get around to an email that seems interesting. But with this little blog, I can add an anecdote here, a little bit of info about Albania there, etc. Probably some pictures too.

So I'll try to post something here every couple of days. Dig it.

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